
Monday, 17 February 2020

Pre-Writing Language

Step 1- I am/am not ready to learn because…

(I do/do not understand the what, why, how, and where of my learning?)
  • By bringing gear
Step 2- My learning goals are …
  • I will be able to write my own similes, metaphors, personification.
Step 3- To engage in the connectivity learning process,

I will need …
  1. (My teacher, colleagues, video clips, slide decks, websites, dictionary etc.
Step 4- My learning went …. How ever I feel              

 Next time I will … Work

(Utilize my teacher, colleagues, videoclips, slidedecks, websites, dictionary etc.)

1. Simile: The room was as dark as a bat
2. Metaphor: The angry man was like a raging fire
3. Personification: The wind was hitting me like a martial artist
4.  Alliteration: Fair is foul, and foul is fair
5. Hyperbole: I'm so tired, I could sleep for a whole week
6. Assonance: The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain
7. Onomatopoeia: The bomb went BOOM in the tunnel
8. (Weather is 30 degrees) "It's a bit chilly
9.  Oxymoron: The homeless man has faith
10. Consonance: He struck some hard luck when his grandson tuck asked him to read
11. Pun: I wonder why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me
12. Tricolon: Red, white and blue
13. Listing/ list: The cat was small, cute and loud
14. Antithesis: Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit

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