
Friday, 28 February 2020

Post Creative Writing Task

1. Replacing words
On Saturday, I went to the mall. Compared to. On Saturday I went to the Hub Hornby.
In a week I will be going on holiday. Compared to. In a week I will be going to Bali.
On Saturday, I sold my old house. Compared to. On Saturday, I sold my worn down house.

2. Similes, Metaphor
The room was as dark as a pair of black jeans.
The girl was as fast as a cheetah chasing food.
Mary's voice is music to my ears.

3. Onomatopoeia and Alteration
Billy Bounced Balls down the Building.
He crashed his car and it went BANG! 

4. The 5 senses
Jayne smelt something that smelled delicious.
They heard a giant sleigh coming towards them.
Jayne then said “It tastes like heaven, just the way it was marinated”

5. Inserting words. E.g (The police car went past)
The red, white and blue police car went past
The red, white and blue police car went loudly past
The red, white and blue police car went past extremely fast

6. Deleting words. E.g (The young boy, with long black hair, went over to the shops)
The young boy, with long black hair, went over to the shops. To. The young boy, went over to the shops.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Pre-Writing Language

Step 1- I am/am not ready to learn because…

(I do/do not understand the what, why, how, and where of my learning?)
  • By bringing gear
Step 2- My learning goals are …
  • I will be able to write my own similes, metaphors, personification.
Step 3- To engage in the connectivity learning process,

I will need …
  1. (My teacher, colleagues, video clips, slide decks, websites, dictionary etc.
Step 4- My learning went …. How ever I feel              

 Next time I will … Work

(Utilize my teacher, colleagues, videoclips, slidedecks, websites, dictionary etc.)

1. Simile: The room was as dark as a bat
2. Metaphor: The angry man was like a raging fire
3. Personification: The wind was hitting me like a martial artist
4.  Alliteration: Fair is foul, and foul is fair
5. Hyperbole: I'm so tired, I could sleep for a whole week
6. Assonance: The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain
7. Onomatopoeia: The bomb went BOOM in the tunnel
8. (Weather is 30 degrees) "It's a bit chilly
9.  Oxymoron: The homeless man has faith
10. Consonance: He struck some hard luck when his grandson tuck asked him to read
11. Pun: I wonder why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me
12. Tricolon: Red, white and blue
13. Listing/ list: The cat was small, cute and loud
14. Antithesis: Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit