
Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Comprehension Box 2

Howling Wolves


1. Which word of phrase in Paragraph 2 means against their will?
A, Involuntarily

2. In the second story, the women was crying because:
B, She had been attached by a wolf

3. In each story, the werewolf was discovered because:
C, Evidence was left behind.

4. In the first story, Werner  was attached by the wolf just:
B, Before he reached home

5. In the first story, it is probable that Werner would:
B, Report him

6. In the second story, the woman thought her husband's absences were:
C, Suspicious

7. From Paragraph 2 we can conclude that in days gone by, People:
A, Really believed in werewolves.

8. The two stories in the text come from:
B, Europe.

9. The stories are similar because they involve:
C, Family members.

10. It is an opinion, not a fact, that:
B, Wolves were common in Europe.

11. From both stories we can conclude that the werewolf:
C, Could not remember the attack.

12. In Paragraph 6, the pronoun him refers to:
A, The wolf.

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