
Monday, 25 November 2019

What did the Treaty say

Article 1

Key Differences: British wanted complete control while the Maori wanted to keep their leadership of the tribes.

Perspectives Causing Conflict: The British saying that they had complete control while the Maori had different thoughts. 

Article 2

Key Differences: Maori could only sell their land to the British Government. If the Maori wanted to sell their land they had to go and talk to the British and agree on an agreed price.

Perspectives Causing Conflict: Maori always having to go to the British Governorship to sell their land while the British did pretty much nothing.

Article 3

Key Differences: Maori was to have the same rights but also be protected by the British.

Perspectives Causing Conflict: The British was supposed to protect the Maori. And, the Maori were to have the same rights as the British Subjects.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Comprehension Box 2

Howling Wolves


1. Which word of phrase in Paragraph 2 means against their will?
A, Involuntarily

2. In the second story, the women was crying because:
B, She had been attached by a wolf

3. In each story, the werewolf was discovered because:
C, Evidence was left behind.

4. In the first story, Werner  was attached by the wolf just:
B, Before he reached home

5. In the first story, it is probable that Werner would:
B, Report him

6. In the second story, the woman thought her husband's absences were:
C, Suspicious

7. From Paragraph 2 we can conclude that in days gone by, People:
A, Really believed in werewolves.

8. The two stories in the text come from:
B, Europe.

9. The stories are similar because they involve:
C, Family members.

10. It is an opinion, not a fact, that:
B, Wolves were common in Europe.

11. From both stories we can conclude that the werewolf:
C, Could not remember the attack.

12. In Paragraph 6, the pronoun him refers to:
A, The wolf.