
Thursday, 17 May 2018

Music Research

We are gonna do Stan Walker

Full Name: Stan Walker
Age: 27 at the moment

Work: Famous for being on American Idol and getting to the last round of it, He has been in some movies like, The Stolen, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Born to Dance, Nerds in Love and Mt. Zion

Nz Specific info: Stan has had multiple songs in the NZ charts like, Take it Easy, Thank you
Influences: His self

Trivia: He has one brother Russ Walker, and his parents were drug dealers and were in jail for drug offences

Image result for stan walkerImage result for stan walker

What am i learning: I am learning about people's back stories 
What did i learn: i learnt how to write about people's back stories

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I really like your work on Stan Walker, particularly how you mentioned their parent's backstories. Next time you could add a video or link into your work.


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