
Thursday, 19 March 2020

Understanding Film theory

What is Film theory?
Film Theory is a way of breaking down movies and television 
they break films and television down so they can get more meaning out of it and do more work instead of watching the whole film or movie.

Film theorists use these 

  • Type of film
  • shots
  • angles
  • lighting 
  • color 
  • sound
  • editing 
  • mise en scene 
How to read a film?
Some tips 
Make sure your paying attention
you’re looking for choices made by the director, cinematographer, and editor that clue you into the emotional response. 

What is realism
Realism is when A movie or film is real and showing the unfiltered world 

Some characteristics
Nonprofessional actors so nobody who's a pro at acting 
No special effects so just everything that is happening 
Location and the props are real
Minimal editing so Not everything is edited like movies 
Natural lighting so the lighting that is already there
Make it look documentary

Classical film still wants to emphasize authentic moments between real people but with the manipulation of its creative production 

Some characteristics
Professional actors
Minimal effects
Use a studio 
editing use for time lapse 
lighting used to make a mood

Formalism focuses on the Director bringing the audience an altered reality that they’ve created
Some characteristics
  • Professional actors
  • Relies heavily on special effects
  • Editing speeds up or slows downtime
  • Lighting and sound create exaggerations
  • Breaks the illusion of reality
there are a lot of shots used in movies/films here are some 
Long shot
wide shot
pov/ point of view 
extreme close up and many more

What are angles?
angles show what the actor is feeling 
there are 4 main angles such as
eye level
high angle 
low angle
oblique angle 

the lighting sets the mood and it goes with each scene like a horror movie when its pitch black that's the lighting it sets the tone

This should hopefully teach you some ideas about understanding film theory and more about what is used in a film or movie 


Points to discuss:

What are the ways directors can contrast in a film?
The director can have scenes that are black and white and mostly dim and scenes that are bright and colorful

What is contrasted in Spike Jonze’s ad?
It was showing the mood of someone who is sad and showing the mood when someone is happy or excited

Why did he contrast these things?
To show how someone is when they are around strangers compared to when they are at home and feel free to do anything they want.

Establishing shot

Points to discuss:

What is an establishing shot?
It is the beginning of a sequence or scene

Why is it used?

Because it helps us get a feel for the area that the characters are in

Why are establishing shot usually the most expensive?
It shows every shot and makes it better, people use it in films to show a new location in a scene

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

POV in films

Points to discus.

What is a POV shot?
A point of view shot in when you can see what the character can see through his eyes.

What is a Point of Thought shot?
A point of thought shot is when it is showing the thoughts or feelings by a character.

Why are they important?
Because they help us emphasize what the character can see.

Film tone in English

Points to discuss:

What else can we call tone in a film?
language and how the person feels

What are the 3 main elements of tone?
Playful, Threatening and Sad

How and why does Coppola use tone in the classic film ‘The Godfather’?

To make the actor show what they are feeling

How can directors control the feelings of the scenes?

From there actions and how they are speaking

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Production Design

What is the production design? 
over all overlook and vision of the design, props

What makes up production design? 
Props and the Overlook

What are the 3 main things production design can help reveal?
How they feel


Types of Camera Shots

What are the purposes of the whip pan and the slow pan?
Whip pan: quickly turning to see something
slow pan: gives us time

What is the purpose of the tilt shot?
It reveals something to read our attention
What does the reverse dolly zoom help show? 
Funny kind of punctuation to nature

What the difference between a Steadicam and a dolly shot?
on track to give us a different version 

What can the hand-held shot help create for the viewer? 
Raw shaky feeling
What should directors ask themselves with their camera movement
What will this bring to the viewers

Camera movement should be doing what?
showing viewers what's happening


Points to discuss:

What are the 3 ways directors use blocking in a film?
Space Shapes lines

What are the 3 basic shapes for film blocking?
Triangle circles and squares

What are the emotions associated with these shapes?

Circles feel safer
Squares create limited space
Triangle feels shape but aggressive

What two things can blocking help with?
Visual tension
Who holds all the pods

Color in Film

How does color in the film affect people?
To create a mood

What are the 3 factors in determining color? 

Why is the hue in ‘The Matrix’ mostly green? 
has a certain silky quality

Why do some films desaturate?
The color is drained and gives the movie a raw Brady look

What can brightness and a lack of brightness show in a film?
Can be affected by usual colors and to see the movies alone

Insert Shot

What is an insert shot? 
Is an isolated shot that shows a specific shot of a scene

What is the purpose of an insert shot? 
They want the viewer to see something specific

What are the 3 main aspects of the insert shot? 
Notice something 
Object or set of objects

What 3 things help the audience feel about the insert shot? 
Opposition Timing Color

The composition of the insert shot helps with what in a film? 
Camera movement
Shot size
Shot angle

Colour in the insert shot helps with what in a film? 
To show what they want the viewer to see

How long you dwell on the insert shot helps show what?
They show close-ups to show the viewers the specific scene. to create the importance

What is motif

What is a motif? 
Any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story

Why are they important?
Made to make sure the story to operate more than one level

What makes a great work of art?
Color, detail

Dutch Angle

The Dutch angle does what?
camera technique used by the German expression in the early 1900s to make something unsettling

What is a Dutch angle?
The shot that has a noticeable angle

Who and when created the dutch angle? 
the early 1900s
German Expression

What 3 things do directors need to consider for the Dutch angle?
Read the moment
Consider the Moment
Enhance the Moment

What 4 things can enhance a Dutch angle?
1. Medium close up
2. Dutch angle
3. Wide profile 2 shot
4. Closer to eye line

Over the Shoulder

Points to discuss:

What is the effect of an over-the-shoulder shot? 
It will connect your characters.

What film aspect shows a disconnection between characters? 
Users studio binders software.

How does the director of this scene show the disconnect of the characters?
Emotional disconnection with the viewer and his expressions.

What eventually totally isolates the female character?
They were in the same page and no longer in the same page. And, no over the shoulder shot and her facial expression shows everything.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Write a better sentence English

The -ED start
1. Surprised the siblings, ate the food

The -ING start
1. Surprisingly, I finished the work

Red, white and blue
1. The american flag is red, white and blue stripes